Project on COVID - 19 Pandemic

Stopping the spread of misinformation about COVID - 19

Meetup Group: GlobalUXD

Role: UX Designer

Duration: March 2020 - April 2020

Project Details:

I have joined a remote design jam, with a design challenge based on COVID - 19. Partnering in the design jam is a little relaxing and helping me to keep my knife sharp with the brainstorming, research, ideation, wireframes, and design.


Research, user interviews, persona creation, wireframes, and mockups

Tools Used:

Figma, Pen & Paper, Google hangout, Zoom, Keynote.

The Challenge:

What is a problem that we are finding due to COVID - 19 and what is a potential design solution?

Challenge Accepted

We as a team accepted the challenge and started working on it. We started to do some research and brainstorming to address the problem space and to find a design solution for it.

Design Process:


We brainstormed different problems arising from COVID - 19 and scoped down the problem space.


We all agreed to work on the sensitive and severe problem space: "How to stop the spread of misinformation to prevent panic and hoarding of PPE needed by healthcare workers".


As a key team player, I did some informal moderated remote user-interviews. I interviewed 10 users with the basic questions regarding their regular social activities and COVID - 19 issues in the quarantine period.

Key Insights:

  • Misinformation spreads rapidly online via social media.

  • Users find and share information on social media because it's quick and easy.

  • Can limit spread of misinformation by encouraging users to evaluate before sharing.


Problem statement

“Social influencers’ who are concerned about their health and community, need a way to find legitimate information about COVID - 19 online, so they can relieve their stress and learn how to protect themselves and others.”


User Personas were crafted based on the data gathered from the research and user interviews. They helped me to focus on the main problem the users facing because of the shared messages.

Our Solution:

We confined to focus on social media where most of the people are showing interest to share, and re-share the information. We want to solve this problem by redesigning the Facebook pages

  • COVID - 19 Information Center

  • Fact checker

As a team player beyond the research and strategy, I did the design work of the COVID - 19 information center of the page. The research data helped me in the draft and curating the wireframes about the information most widely viewed and followed. The buttons in the information center are directly linked to the WHO, and CDC, the legitimate sources where the users can find reliable information.


Facebook’s Existing Home Page

Facebook’s COVID-19 Information Center

Facebook Home Page Redesign - Information Center


I enjoyed the brainstorming sessions, where everyone came out with different ideas, variations, and perspectives on the issue. I came to learn how many different ways we can think and how many different perspectives we can see the same issue. As we worked mostly in a remote collaboration project somehow, I felt that if we had an opportunity to meet at least a couple of times physically, then we would have learned each other and share more skills, including discussions regarding the deeper design process. At the end of the project, I improved my skills in Figma and collaborating with the design team members.

Thank you, for watching the project down here :)